The Wicked Servants Moral Story

The Wicked Servants Moral Story


There were two servants who worked for an old lady. Everyday, the old lady used to get up early. When her cock crows early in the morning she would come and wake them up and make them do their work.

The servants were very enraged at the cock which crowed and made them wake up. So, oneday , both the servants planned and killed the cock .

They returned with joy thinking, “Gone is the cock. Now, no one is going to be there to wake the lady. Thus, she will also not disturb us”.

But the story went reverse. Now that there was no cock, the old lady came to wake up the servants as soon as she got up. The state of the servants had now worsened.


The Wicked Servants Moral Story

The Wicked Servants Story in English for kids

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