English Words With Hindi Meaning
Common English Words used in Daily Life with Hindi Meaning
Appendix Added in the end (परिशिष्ट)
Appetite Hunger (भूख)
Applaud To praise (प्रिंसा किना)
Apple of the eye The pupil (आँख का तािा)
Appliance Tools (साधन)
Applicable Fit to be used (काम में लाने योग्य)
Application Formal request (अर्जी)
Appoint To engage (काम में लगाना)
Appreciate To esteem highly (मान देना)
Apprehend To understand (समझना)
Approach Reach ( पह ँच)
Appropriate Fit (उशचत)
Approval Sanction ( मंर्जूिी)
Approximate Nearest (लगभग)
Apt Fit (योग्य)
Aqua Water (र्जल)
Architect Housemaker (घि बनाने वाला)
Ardent Keen (उत्सुक)
Assiduous Hard Working (कममठ)
Abrasive Harsh (कठोि)
Abundant Large Quantity (बड़ी मात्रा में)
Acclimate Getting used to something (घुल-शमल र्जाना)
Acme Highest Level (उच्च स्ति)
Admonish Scold (डांटना)
Bold Daring (साहसी)
Bomb To drop explosive bomba (बम शगिाना)
Bombastic Pompous (शदखावा)
Bonafide True (सत्य)
Bond Agreement (बंधन)
Bondage Slavery (गुलामी)
Bone A piece of skeleton (हड्डी)
Bony Lean and thin (दुबला पतला)
Bonus Share in profits (लाभ में शहस्सा)
Bookish Fond of books (शकताबों का िौकीन)
Book-maker Writer of books (लेखक)
Boom To roar (गिर्जना )
Boon Blessing ( विदान)
Booth Hut (झोपड़ी)
Border Side, Limit (शकनािा, सीमा)
Bore To tire (थकना)
Borrow To take on loan (उधाि लेना)
Bosom-friend Close friend (खास दोस्त)
Billow Wave (तिंग)
Berserk Very Angry (अत्यंत क्रोध में)
Bevy Group of Birds (पशियों का झंडु )
Brusque Rude (असभ्य)
Buccaneer Ship Thief (समुद्री चोि)
Cab Taxi (शकिाए की गाड़ी)
Cabin Small room (छोटा कमिा)
Cabinet Private room (गुप्त कमिा)
Cable Strong chain (मर्जबूत ताि)
Cadet Military student (सेना का छात्र)
Cadre Centre (कें द्र)
Cage Wire-box (शपंर्जिा)
Cajole To cheat by flattery (चापलूसी से ठगना)
Calculate To reckon (गणना किना )
Calf Young one of cow (बछड़ा)
Calibre Ability (योग्यता)
Call To summon (बुलाना)
Calm Quietness (िांशत)
Camp Tent (तंबू)
Campaign Organised warfare (शनयशमत युद्द)
Campus School or college ground (शवद्यालय िेत्र)
Canal Man-made water course (नहि)
Cancel To abolish (खत्म किना)
Dacoit A member of a robber band (डाकू)
Daft Foolish (मूखम)
Daggle To run through mud and water (कीचड़-पानी में दौड़ना)
Dairy A building for keeping milk and cream (दुग्धिाला)
Dally To delay (देि किना)
Dam Mother of animals (पिुओं की मां)
Damage Harm (हाशन)
Dame A lady (स्त्री)
Damp Chill (ठंडक)
Dandle To pet (लाड किना)
Dandruff Scurf on the head (रूसी)
Danger Liability to harm ( भय)
Dazzle To surprise (चशकत किना)
Dealer A trader (व्यापािी)
Dear Beloved (शप्रय)
Dearth Scarcity of food (कमी)
Dimwit Foolish (बेवकूफी)
Dolt Stupid (मूखम)
Each Every one (हि एक)
Eager Keen (उत्सुक)
Earmark To assign money for a definite work (पैसा सुिशित िखना)
Earn To gain by labour (कमाना)
Earnest Sincere (सच्चा)
Earth Soil (शमी)
Earthquake Earth’s shaking (भूकंप)
Ease Comfort ( आिाम)
Eat To take food (खाना)
Ebony Very black (बह त काला)
Echo Sound reflection (गंर्जू )
Eclat Splendor ( िान)
Economical Frugal (कम खचम )
Ecstasy Rapture ( पिम आनंद)
Edge Border ( शकनािा)
Edible To prepare for eatable (खाने योग्य)
Edit Publication (संपादन किना)
Emotionality Highly Emotional (अशधक भावुक)
Fabric A structure (िचना)
Fabricate To make ( बनाना)
Fabulous Amazing (आश्चयमर्जनक)
Face To oppose with courage (साहस से सामना किना)
Facility Ease (सिलता)
Fact Anything actually true (सच्चाई)
Factory A building in which goods are manufactured (कािखाना)
Faculty Ability (योग्यता)
Fade To lose freshness ( धीिे-धीिे मुिझाना )
Fag To work hard (कशठन परिश्रम किना )
Fail Hindrance (रुकावट)
Failure Lack of success (असफलता)
Faint Lacking strength (दुबमल)
Fainting Loss of consciousness (बेहोिी)
Fair Clear (स्पष्ट)
Faith Belief(शवश्वास)
Factoid Repetition (दोहिाना)
Gain Profit (लाभ)
Gamble To pay for money (र्जुआ खेलना)
Game Any sport (खेल)
Gaming Gambling (र्जुआ)
Gap Defect (त्रुशट)
Garb Clothing (कपड़े)
Garden A piece of land used for the cultivation of flowers (बाग-बगीचा)
Garnish To decorate (सर्जाना)
Garment Any article of dress (वस्त्र)
Garish Bright (चमकीला)
Gate An opening in wall closable with barrier (दिवार्जा)
Gather To bring together ( इकट्टा किना)
Generally Usually (प्रायः)
Gem Precious stone (मशण)
Generate To produce (उत्पन्न किना)
Habit Custom (रिवार्ज)
Habitude A habit (आदत)
Hail Frozen drops of rain (ओला)
Hale Healthy (स्वस्थ)
Halt To hesitate (शहचशकचाना)
Hand The extremity of the arm beyond the wrist (हाथ)
Handicraft Manual art (हस्तशिल्प)
Handkerchief A cloth for wiping the nose (रूमाल )
Handmade Made by hand (हाथ से बनाया ह आ)
Handsome Good looking (संदु ि)
Hang To suspend (लटकाना)
Happen To occur ( घशटत होना)
Happy Fortunate (नाग्यवान)
Harass To trouble (पिेिान किना)
Hard Difficult to endure (कटोि)
Hardly Scarcely ( कशठनता से)
Hardship ill-luck (दुभामग्य)
Hardwoking Industrious (परिश्रमी)
Identical Similar (समान)
Ideology Ideas or beliefs (शसद्दान्त)
Idiosyncrasy A particular and different way of thinking or behaviour (काम किने
का अपना शविेष शसद्दान्त)
Idle Useless (बेकाि)
Illuminate To fill with light (प्रकाशित किना)
Illuminating Revealing or making something clear (स्पष्ट किने वाला)
Imaginative Fanciful (काल्पशनक)
Imbibe To adopt (knowledge quality) (ग्रहण किना)
Immaterial Unimportant (महत्वहीन)
Imminent Likely to occur very soon (शर्जसके तुिंत होने की सम्भावना हो)
Immunity Protection against disease or punishment (िोग प्रशतिोधक)
Impact To affect (प्रभाव)
Impair To damage or weaken (growth vision) (नष्ट किना)
Impart To provide (knowledge quality) (प्रदान किना)
Impeach To bring charge against someone (आिोप लगाना)
Impeachment Accusation of a serious crime (महाशभयोग)
Impede To obstruct (बाशधत किना)
Impediment Hindrance (in progress)
Impel To force someone do something (दबाव डालना, मर्जबूि किना)
Imperative Necessary, Urgent (आवश्यक)
Imperative need Urgent need (आवश्यक आवश्यकता)
Imperishable Lasting for a long time (शटकाऊ, लंबे समय तक)
Impetus Encouragement (प्रोत्साहन)
Improvise To make changes in original to suit the condition (बदलाव किना)
Impulse Sudden desire (शबना आधाि के अचानकउत्पन्न इच्छा)
Jeopardy Danger (खतिा)
Jettison To reject or abandon something unwanted (principle
responsibility) (त्याग देना)
Join hand with To work together in a work (साथ देना)
Judicious Sensible (decision, selection) (समझदािी भिा)
Kick Strength and encouragement (प्रसन्नता या िोमांच)
Kindle To make a feeling grow in someone (कोई इच्छा या भावना उत्पन्न किना)
Kingpin Important (role, person) (महत्वपूणम)
Kiosk Small shop (छोटी दुकान)
इंशग्लि वडम शहंदी मीशनंग
Move चाल
Old पुिाना
Same वही
Your तुम्हािी
About के बािे में
Many अनेक
Then शफि
Them उन्हें
Write शलखना
Would चाहेंगे
Like पसंद
So इसशलए
These इन
Her उसके
Him उसके
Long लंबा
Make बनाना
Thing चीज़
See देखना
Girl लड़की
Their उनके
Lady औित
Man आदमी
Human मानव
Food खाना
Vessels बितन
Towel तौशलया
Clothes कपड़े
Dog कुत्ता
Cat शबल्ली
Birds पंछी
Ice बर्फम
Water पानी/र्जल
Mobile दूिध्वशन यंत्र
Fan पंखा
Key चाबी
Lock ताला
Rice चावल
Wheat गेह ँ
Fruits फल