agriculture multiple choice questions and answers

Agriculture multiple choice questions and answers


Which soil scientist has been chosen for World Food Prize, 2020 ?
Dr. Rattan Lal

What is the suitable method of vegetative propogation of apple ?
Shield budding and tongue grafting

The number of people per unit area of arable land is termed as
Physiological density

Which country is the origin place of ‘Loquat’ ?

National Research Centre for Citrus (NRCC) is located in
Nagpur (Maharashtra)

The World Food Day is observed on
October 16

Indian Institute of Vegetable Research is located in
Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)

In which soils is lime used as soil amendment ?
Acidic soils

Red colour of tomato is caused due to the presence of

White bud disease in maize is caused due to the deficiency of

Green Colour of potato tubers is caused due to


The book ‘Enquiry into Plants’ in which plant diseases are described, is written by


The ‘Smut disease’ in pearl millet, wheat and barley is a

—Seed borne disease

The modern method of propagation of ‘Guava’ is_


‘Goottee propagation of is the suitable method of vegetative


Which variety of wheat has been developed through induce d mutatio n ?

—Sharbati Sonara

‘Pusa RH-10’ is a hybrid variety of

—Basmati rice

Brunizem soils are popularly known as

—Praire Soils

Which nitrogenous (N) fertilizer is considered suitable for pineapple ?

—Ammonium Sulphate

National Research Centre for Grapes is located in


‘Dolomite powder’ is applied in some agricultural lands. Its purpose is to

answers: Increase the pH of the soil

‘DAPOG’ is a process of

answers: Nursery raising of rice

‘Bordeaux mixture’, used as fungicide spray on crop, is a mixture of

answers: Copper sulphate, lime and water

Dwarfness in sugarcane is caused by

answers: Virus

Chlorosis in plants occurs due to deficiency of

answers: Nitrogen and Magnesium

Inflorescence of sugarcane is called

answers: Arrow

Ricyness in cauliflower develops due to application of excess

answers: Nitrogen and higher relative humidity

‘Suprabha’ and ‘Surbhi’ are varieties of

answers: Ginger

‘Mauritius’ and ‘Poovan’ are varieties of

answers: Banana

Red colour in ‘Chilli’ is caused due to

answers: Capcyanthin



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