Aibe 19 Exam Result

Aibe 19 Exam Result

AIBE 19 results will soon be released by the Bar Council of India. The exam, conducted on 22 December 2024, is vital for law graduates seeking a Certificate of Practice.

The bar council of India will soon release the AIBE 19 Result 2024. S

The provisional answer key was released on December 28, 2024. The objection window was opened on December 30, 2024 and closed on January 10, 2025. Candidates who wanted to raise objections against the answer key had to pay 500/- per objection.

The experts will check the candidates’ objections, and if a candidate’s objection is deemed valid, 500/—will be refunded to the candidate. The final answer key will be released after that, and theresult will be prepared accordingly.

The passing percentage is fixed at 45% for GEN/OBC Candidates and at 40% for SC/ST and Disabled Candidates. Follow the blog for latest updates on results, final answer key and more.

hen released, candidates who have appeared for the All India Bar Examination-XIX can check the results on the official website of AIBE at

tudents can visit the official website to check the latest updates related to the release date, and other important details.

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