Akshaya Tritiya 2025

Akshaya Tritiya 2025

 is one of the most auspicios day in Hindu Culture new ventures, like marriages, expensive investments such as in gold or other property. It holds special significance for farmers who offer prayers to theirfarmingequipmentsandsowthefirstseeds.

Akshaya Tritiya falls on Shukla Paksha Tritiya , Vaisakha(april-may) month in every year. Mostly this is the summer season for the Indians

On the day of Akshaya Tritiya, people believe that whatever they buy on Akshaya Tritya will be with them for longer time . So people make it a custom to buy gold on that day

During the past, people used to give water pot, sandals and umbrella to the people who can’t buy. They made it a custom on those days to help the poor people in the summer season.

At present a lot of things are changed with the change in culture Particularly on the day of Akshaya Tritiya people perform puja to Goddess Mahalakshmi Devi to get wealth and prosperity.

There are various significant events that occurred on Akshya Tritiya:
1 : On this day, Mother Ganga descended on Earth.
2: Lord Parshuram appeared on the Earth.
3: Sudama met his childhood friend, Lord Krishna in Dwarka and received unlimited wealth and prosperity.
4: Draupadi, the wife of Pandavas received the gift of “Akshaya Patra” from Sun-God.
5: Srila Vyasdeva began composing the Mahabharata.
6: On this day, Kubera received his position as the Lord of Wealth.
7 : The construction of chariots of Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva and Mata Subhadra, for celebrating annual Ratha Yatra festival at Jagannatha Puri, also begin on this auspicious day.
In the temple of Kshira-chora Gopinath (Remuna, Orissa), the deities of Madana-mohana, Govinda and Gopinath are smeared with sandalwood paste on this day.


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