Au Small Finance Bank

Au Small Finance Bank

Au small finance bank Key Features of Savings Account

Enjoy exclusive high-interest rates on Senior Citizen Account, Women Account, Institution Account, and more.
Get a Visa Gold Debit Card and avail of 1000+ handpicked lifestyle privileges offers and discounts across leading brands in India.
100% paperless account opening process with our Video Banking facility for new and existing AU Bank customers.
Earn Savings Account interest rate of up to 7%* p.a. with monthly interest payouts into your account.
Get a dedicated Relationship Officer who will act as your single point of contact to address all your banking and financial needs.
Get round the clock access to your funds through AU 0101 App or AU 0101 Net Banking. What’s more, you can even book flights, hotels, & cabs, recharge your mobile, and apply for various products and services.
Extended banking hours and visit any AU Bank branch till 6 pm.

6 Benefits of Savings Account

Enjoy the convenience of depositing funds into your account without the hassle of using a deposit slip.
Get doorstep banking services, including cash/cheque pick-up or delivery services.
Enable automated payment of bills using Visa Gold Debit Card.
It helps keep your money safe and reach your financial goals.
It gives you a steady interest and easy to access cash whenever the need arises.
Inculcates financial discipline.

How to apply for Savings Account – Online / Offline?

Online Account Opening Process:

You can open an AU Savings Account online using our Video Banking feature. Prospective customers can interact face-to-face with our representative, to begin with the AU Savings Account opening process.

Offline Account Opening Process:

Contact your nearest Bank Branch with your KYC documents and passport-sized photographs.

Important Documents Required for Opening a Savings Account
To apply for a Savings Bank Account, you must submit KYC (Know Your Customer) documents for verification. Listed below are the essential documents you will be required to submit:
Identity Proof:
Aadhaar Card
Voter ID
Address Proof:
Aadhaar Card
Utility Bill
Voter ID

Why AU Bank is the best bank for a Savings Account?

Instant Savings Account Opening with Video Banking

Now you can open a Savings Account via Video Banking right from the comfort of your home. If you are 18 years and above and have the necessary KYC documents, you can instantly open a Savings Account with the help of AU Bank Video Banking. To start the call, below are some of the pre requisites:
A smartphone, laptop or tablet with a camera and speaker to interact with our video banker.
Good internet connectivity and a well-lit room.
You will also need a blank paper with a pen to submit your signature.

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