Bhadrapada Purnima Rituals and Story

Bhadrapada Purnima Rituals and Story

Paterpratha starts from Badrava Purnima

Bhadrapada Purnima Rituals and Story

According to the Hindu panchang, there are 12 full moons in 12 months.
Among these there are some special full moons.
Just like Gahma Purnima and Kartik Purnima, Bhadrava Purnima also has great significance.
This year.

Vadravima falls on the 17th of September. This Purnima has special significance, Prtupurusa Shraddha starts from Vadrab Purnima. On this day of Lamima, do something that will make the ancestors calm and pleased and give their blessings and bring happiness and prosperity to the house.
Start of paternal side. Paterpratha is celebrated every year from Vadrab Parnima to Ashwin Amavasya.
On this side, the tradition of offering Shraddha, Tarpan and Pinddan to appease the ancestors
Don’t use mouth or steel utensil in any work on father’s side.
It is believed that this makes the ancestors angry and the spirit of the ancestors does not find peace.

There is It is said that at this time the ancestors come to the surface of the earth with the hope of getting Pind and Shraddha. People who are suffering in life, during this time, by offering Shraddha and Tarpan to the ancestors.

Fathers are pleased. Along with this, giving food to the poor and giving food to the birds is especially fruitful. By this, oral scripture prevails in the house.

On the 16 days of the father’s day, the father expresses his satisfaction by feeding the cow with lumps of bread.
At this time give food and alms to the Brahmin with Pinddan. Along with this, feeding cows and cars is also a pious work. Don’t try to bring it home. It is also very auspicious to make a joint offering of any auspicious item in front of the father. Its ancestors are happy.

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