BOI FD Interest Rates 2023

BOI FD Interest Rates 2023

Bank has revised rate of Interest on Domestic / NRO Term Deposits as follows:-

Maturity Buckets
$(For NRE Rupee Term Deposits, min. tenor is 1 Year and Max. 10 Years)
Deposits less than Rs.2 Cr Rs.2 Cr & above but less than Rs.10 Crs
w.e.f. 01.11.2022 w.e.f. 20.08.2022
7 days to 14 days 2.85* 4.50
15 days to 30 days 2.85 4.50
31 days to 45 days 2.85 4.50
46 days to 90 days 3.85 4.75
91 days to 179 days 3.85 5.25
180 days to 269 days 4.60 5.40
270 days to less than 1 year 4.60 5.40
1 Year to less than 2 Years (except 555 Days 5.75 6.25
555 Days 6.30 6.25
2 Years to less than 3 Years(Except 777 Days) 5.75 4.50
777 Days 7.25 4.50
3 Year to < 5 Year 6.25# 4.50
5 Year to < 8 Year 5.75# 4.50
8 Year and upto 10 year 5.75# 4.50

*Minimum Deposit Rs.1 Lakh
# Additional premium of 25 bps, over & above the existing 50 bps will be paid to Senior Citizen’s on their retail TD (Less than Rs. 2 Cr) for all the tenors of 3 Years & above i.e. 75bps.

Rs.10 Cr & above

*These deposit rates are dynamic,

*For latest rates Please contact your nearest branch.

Non-Callable Rupee Term Deposit scheme has been suspended w.e.f. 10.07.2017

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