CDS Topic Wise Previous Year Solved Paper General Knowledge
General Knowledge

Q1: Which one of the following state ments about ‘Niryat Bandhu Scheme’ is correct ?
(A) It is a scheme for mentoring first generation entrepreneurs
(B) It is a scheme for crop pro tection
(C) It is a scheme for the vulnerable section of the society
(D) It is a scheme for monitor ing rural poor
Answers with Hints
(A) Niryat Bandhu Scheme was first introduced in Oct. 2011 by the Director General of foreigntrade for international businessmentoring firstgeneration
entrepreneurs in Internationalbusiness enterprises.
Q2: Which one of the followingstatements about the Deen Dayal Uadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY) is notcorrect ?
(A) It is a placement-linked skill training programme exclusively rural girls
(B) It aims to convert India’s demographic surplus into a demographic dividend
(C) The scheme aims to benefit more than 55 million poor rural folk
(D) It is a generational poverty alleviation programme
Answers (A)
Q 3: Where is Hambantota Port located ?
(A) Iran
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Japan
(D) Pakistan
Answers (B) Hambantota port is a deepwater port in the Southern tip of
Sri Lanka. It sits close to busyeastwest shipping lanes con-
necting Europe and Asia.
Q 4: The projects under Coastal Berth Scheme of the flagship Sagar mala Programme are distributed over how many States ?
(A) Eight
(B) Ten
(C) Twelve
(D) Fourteen
Answers (A) Coastal Birth Scheme of theflagship Sagarmala Programmeis distributed in eight followingstates. 1. Maharashtra, 2. Andhra Pradesh, 3. Goa, 4. Karnataka,
5. Kerala, 6. Tamil Nadu, 7. Gujarat, 8. West Bengal.
Q5: Which one of the following state-ments about the National Adap tation Fund for Climate Change is not correct ?
(A) The fund is meant to assist national and State level activities to meet the cost of adaptation measures
(B) This scheme has been taken as a Central Sector Scheme
(C) The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is the national implementing entity for the fund
(D) The scheme has been inforce since 2015-16
Answers (C) National Bank for Agri-culture and Rural development
(NABARD) is the NationalImplementing Entity, rather the ICAR.
Q6: ‘SAMPRITI–2017’ is a jointmilitary exercise between armed forces of India and
(A) Bhutan
(B) Bangladesh
(C) Pakistan
(D) Myanmar
Answers (B)
Q 7: The judgement of the SupremeCourt of India in the Vishakha Case pertains to—
(A) sexual harassment in the work-place
(B) Sati
(C) dowry death
(D) rape
Answers (A) In Aug. 1997 the judgementregarding the sexual harassment at work place has given bythis Bench of Justice J.S. Verma,Justice Sujata Manmohan and
justice B. N. Kripal.
Q8: The first BRICS Summit, after the inclusion of South Africa, was held at
(A) Brasilia
(B) Sanya
(C) Yekaterinburg
(D) Durban
Answers(B) The first BRICS Summit,after the inclusion of SouthAfrica, was held at Sanya (China)on 14th April, 2011-BRICSmeans/members–Brazil, Russia,India, China and South Africa (5 countries members).
Q9: Who deciphered the Brahami and Kharoshthi scripts ?
(A) Piyadassi
(B) Colin Mackenzie
(C) Alexander Cunnihgham
(D) James Prinsep
Answers (D)
Q10: Which of the following is/are the features(s) of the Brahmadeya Grants during c 600–1200 AD ?
1. Their creation meant a renunciation of actual or potential sources of revenue by the State.
2. These grants could vary from a small plot to several villages.
3. Most grants were made in unsettled area. Select the correct answer using the code given below
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1 and 2 only
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Answers (B)
Q11: Who is the author of Manimekalai ?
(A) Kovalan
(B) Sathanar
(C) Ilango Adigal
(D) Tirutakkatevar
Answers (B) Manimekalai was written by
Sathalai Sathanar .
Q 12 : Which one of the following state ments about the Elephanta Island is correct ?
(A) It was given its name by the British after a large elephant structure located there
(B) It contains one large cave
(C) It is well-known for aspectacular carving of Vishnudescribed in the Vishnudharmottara Purana
(D) It is associated with the Pashupata sect
Answers (B) Elephanta Island located inMumbai (Bombay) Harbour ofthe Arabian Sea. ElephantaIsland has an area of 4 to 6 square miles (10 to 16 squarekm), varying with the tide. In the early 16th century Portuguese
navigators named the island Ilha Elefante (’Elephant Island’) inreference to a large stone elephant that was found there; the
statue was later moved toVictoria Gardens (now calledJijamata
Udyan), Mumbai.Elephanta’s famous 8th and 9thcentury cave temples were designated UNESCO World Heritage sites in 1987.
Q13: Which of the following state-ments about Sir Syed Ahmad Khan is/are correct ?
1. He argued that India was a federation of ethnic commu nities based on commondescent.
2. His philosophy was very similar to that of the Indian National Congress.
3. He imagined India as a Nation State based on individual citizen’s rights.
4. The curriculum at the Mohammedan
Anglo-Oriental College blended Muslim theology and European empiricism.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 3 only
(D) 1 and 4
Answers (D)
Q14: Consider the following statements about impact of tax—
1. A tax is shifted forward toconsumers if the demand isinelastic relative to supply.
2. A tax is shifted backward toproducers if the supply isrelatively more inelastic than demand. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 only
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2
Answers (C)
Q15: According to the law of diminishing marginal utility, as the amount of a good consumed increases, the marginal utility of that good tends to
(A) improve
(B) diminish
(C) remain constant
(D) first diminish and then improve
Answers (B)
Q16: eBiz is one of the integrated services projects and part of the
31 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) under the National e-Governance Plan of the Govern- ment of India. eBiz is being implemented under the guidance and aegis of the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry by—
(A) Tata Consultancy Services
(B) Infosys Technologies Limited
(C) Wipro
(D) HCL Technologies
Answers (B)
Q17: Which of the following state ments about the olive ridley turtles is/are correct ?
1. They are the smallest and most abundant of all sea turtles found in the world.
2. They live in warm waters of Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
3. The Coromandel Coast in India is the largest mass nesting site for the olive ridley turtles.
Select the correct answer using the code given below—
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 1 and 2 only
(C) 2 and 3 only
(D) 1 only
Answers (B)The olive ridley turtle nests atseveral places’ in Western Indian
Ocean, Indian Sub-continent andSouth-east Asia. In Index large
scale nesting is found along theBay of Bengal in Odisha.
Q18: Consider the following state ment :
”A sound body means one which bends itself to the spirit and is always a ready instrument at its services.” The above statement is attributed to—
(A) Sardar Patel
(B) Winston Churchill
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Baden-Powell
Answers (C)
Q19: Who among the following wasthe founder of Phoenix Settlement ?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) B.R. Ambedkar
(C) Rabindranath Tagore
(D) Swami Vivekanand
Answers (A) In 1904 Mahatama Gandhi,resided nearby Durban (S.A.)
established a small Village like settlement ”Phoenix settlement.”
Q20: Name the platform used forritual purposes by the kings of the Vijayanagara Empire.
(A) Mahanavmi Dibba
(B) Lotus Mahal
(C) Hazara Rama
(D) Virupaksha
Q21: The idea of ‘Farri-i Izadi’, on which the Mughal kingship was
based, was first developed by which one of the following Sufi saints ?
(A) Shihabuddin Suhrawardi
(B) Nizamuddin Auliya
(C) Iban al-Arabi
(D) Bayazid Bistami
Q22: Which Buddhist text contains an account of the Mauyran EmperorAshoka ?
(A) Vinaya Pitaka
(B) Sutta Pitaka
(C) Abhidhamma Pitaka
(D) Mahavamsa
Q23: Which one of the following statements about Buddhist Stupas in India is not correct ?
(A) Ashoka played an important role in popularizing the Stupacult
(B) They were repositories of relics of Buddha and othermonks
(C) They were located in ruralareas
(D) They were located close totrade routes
Answers (C) The Stupa-Monestry Complexes were located near urbancentres, and along major tradeand pilgrimage routes somemarked places connected with
important events in the life ofBuddha.
Q24: Which one among the following States of India has the largest number of seats in its Legislative Assembly ?
(A) West Bengal
(B) Bihar
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Tamil Nadu
Answers(A) No. of Legislative Assembly seats in the given states are as
follows.Bihar 243, West Bengal 218,Tamil Nadu 189, M.P. 156.
Q25: Which of the following state ments about the Ordinance making power of the Governor is/are correct ?
1. It is a discretionary power.
2. The Governor himself is notcompetent to withdraw theOrdinance at any time.Select the correct answer using the code given below—
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 only
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2
Answers (A)
Q26: Which one of the followingevents is not correctly matchedwith the year in which it happened ?
(A) Inauguration of the SWIFTsystem of electronic interbankfund transfers worldwide—1985
(B) Conclusion of the UruguayRound of GATI—1994
(C) Inauguration of the WorldTrade Orgainization—1995
(D) Establishment of the firstwholly electronic stock exchange(Nasdaq)—1971
Answers (A) SWIFT was foundedinBrusseles in 1973 and was supported by 239 banks in 15 countries and the twist message was seat in 1977.
Q27 : Consider the following statements about Indo-Tibetan BorderPolice (ITBP) :
1. ITBP, was raised in 1962.
2. ITBP is basically a mountaintrained force.
3. ITBP replaced Assam Riflesin Sikkim and ArunachalPradesh in 2004-2005 forborder guarding duty.
4. ITBP presently has 52service battalions.
Which of the statements givenabove are correct ?
(A) 1, 2 and 4 only
(B) 3 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2 and 3 only
Answers (D)
Q28: Which one of the following is notan International Human RightsTreaty ?
(A) International Covenant onCivil and Political Rights
(B) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
(C) Convention on the Rights ofPersons with Disabilities
(D) Declaration on the Right toDevelopment
Answers (D)
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