Odisha Common PG Entrance Examination Important Dates
SAMS operates through pre-fixed dates for all its activities. It helps in creating awareness and transparency & timely completion of activities. These dates have been finalized by the Higher Education
Department, Government of Odisha.
Dateline for PG Common Entrance Test-2020 under project Student Academic Management System
(SAMS) is given below. For more details, please call Sanjog Helpline Toll Free (155335/1800-
345-6770) Number. Any change in the dateline given below will be published in the newspapers
as well as in the website www.dheodisha.gov.in / www.samsodisha.gov.in.
1) Availability of online Common Application Form (CAF) in the website
www.samsodisha.gov.in 12-Aug-2020(11:00 am)
2) Last date of applying online CAF through www.samsodisha.gov.in
31-Aug-2020 (11:45 pm)
3) Available of Hall Ticket in applicant e-Space for downloading
20-Sept.-2020 (2:00 pm)
4) Commencement of Entrance Examination (CPET-2020)
30th Sept to 7th Oct-2020
5) Updation of Graduation/Equivalent mark by applicant till
10-Oct-2020 (11:45 pm)
6) Handing over the entrance marks to OCAC by the Entrance Exam
Conducting Universities
7) Publication of State wide merit list 25-Oct-2020
8)Completion of Admission Process by the respective Universities and
Colleges, offering PG teaching facility
9) Commencement of PG 1st Year Classes 01-Dec-2020
e-Admission Procedure:
5.1 Application Process
The CAF will be available in www.dheodisha.gov.in / www.samsodisha.gov.in in PDF
format for applying online only. There will be one Common Application Form (CAF) and
one Common Prospectus (CP) for CPET-2020 to any subject of all listed HEIs in the State.
The CPET-2020 will be conducted in subjects as listed in Annexure-II to this CP.
Following category of courses are not included in CPET-2020. Individual HEI will make
their own admission as per the approved names of their Institution as well Government.
Therefore, candidates desirous of taking admission in the subjects are requested to visit
the website of the concerned HEIs for more information.
a) Courses run in PPP mode
b) Post Graduate Diploma Certificates / Diploma Courses
c) Subjects unique to that HEI only
The CAF includes only choice of subject and institutions combination wherein the
quantum of admission fees charged by the HEI becomes a critical factor in decision
making. Considering the variety of Self Financing Courses, the applicants are requested
to check the fees in the concerned websites of the Universities and Colleges.
Where to apply Online?
Students can apply online at Cybercafé, Common Service Center, Internet Facility Center etc. or
they can do it on their own.
How to apply Online?
Applicants are required to visit the website www.samsodisha.gov.in to download the user
manual to know the step by step procedure to fill the CAF of CPET-2020.
Fee Structure of Application
Option wise fees will be collected. General candidates will pay .500/- per subject and SC/ST candidates will pay .300/- per subject.
For candidates desirous to appear for more than one subject, need to fill up their HEIsubject
combination options in the CAF. The fees in case of appearing multiple subject
entrance will be as follows
First or only subject: . 500/- for General Candidates and . 300 for SC/ST candidates
– Every additional entrance subject Choice: . 200/- for both General and SC/ST
– No fee will be collected from PwD and Transgender candidates.
– A candidate can apply to appear for entrance in maximum of 05 subjects and also
provide preferences for the Universities or Colleges of his preference. The Subject +
University/Colleges combination will define his option. A candidate is permitted
maximum 10 nos. of options for Subject + University/Colleges Combination.
– CAF Fees will be deposited online only. No refund can be claimed at later date.
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