Deba Snana Purnima 2025 date

Deba Snana Purnima 2025 date

Deba Snana Purnima is observed month of Jyestha celebrated celebrated in Odisha’s on

11/06/2025: Wednesday 2025 

Snana Purnima
Deba Snana Purnima a ceremonial bath of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra According to the Skanda Purana, Raja Indradyumna, who installed the wooden Deities, introduced the idea of giving Them a bath.

Deba Snana Purnima 2025
Debasnana Purnima 2023 Date

There is a view that like all other major festivals in Odisha, Snana Jatra has direct links with agrarian calendar of the state and that the ritual bath signifies the onset of monsoon.
After the Snana Jatra, the three deities are kept away from public view for 15 days and this temporary disappearance is called the ‘Anasara’ period. The popular belief is that after the ritualistic bath, the deities develop fever and therefore do not return to the sanctum sanctorum.

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