Dr. Hare Krishna Mahatab College Kupari Balasore Odisha

College Name: Dr. Hare Krishna Mahatab College Kupari


To actualize the competencies of the budding youngsters the thinking populace of Khaira, Simulia, Bonth, Hatadihi of Keonjhar and Sharat Block of Mayurbhanj thronged the campus of Kupari High School on December 11, 1977 to participate in a meeting that solely aimed at creating a center of intellect at Kupari, the site of Substantial geographical, historical and Cultural significance. The meeting held under the Chairmanship of the former MLA of Simulia Sri Gopinath Das adopted a unanimous and significant resolution that the center of learning would be named after the great painter of political canvas of modern Odisha Dr. harekrushna Mahatab.

The collective and consistent endeavour of the 66 member Executive Committee headed by the President Sadhu Udashina and the Secretary Sri Gopinath Das came to fruitation on July 15 1978, the glorious day that witnessed Utkal Keshari Harekrishna Mahatab laying the foundation stone of the institution and igniting the ambitious minds of elated assembly.
The think factory led by Professor Balaram Sahu, an eminent educationist and one of the honorable founders of Bhadrak College, set in motion the intellectual odyssey of the college on August 3, 1978, hearing the burden of expectation of the dreamy young learners. The Substantial contribution emanating from the self-effacing love of many a socially integrated human like Gopinath Das, Ram Kumar Gupta, Darshan Ch. Rout, Chitta Ranjan Mohapatra, Satyananda Mishra, Rajendra Kumar Patri, Prafulla Kumar Behera, Ramakrushna Das and Harmohan Jena helped evolve the skeletonic constitution of the college into breathing, crying, laughing being. Confronting and transcending the constraints from various corners, the college carved a niche for itself in 1980, obtaining Govt. Concurrence along with the University affiliation for 128 seats in I.A. Class in the Subject Like English, MIL (O), History, political Science, Economics, Education, Odia and Logic.
The Positive stance of the think tank elicited covetous attention of the students of the hinterland effecting an enhancement of the seats from 128 to 256 in all the subjects in Arts Stream in 1981 and Govt. Permission to open (+2) Science from the academic session 1990-91, +3 Science from 2009-10 and +2 Commerce from 2010-11. The College has expanded its domain and strengthened its entity, acquiring the status of a Degree College in 1986-87 and obtaining permission to provide Honours teaching facilities in History and Political Science from 1992-93, Education and Economics from 1994-95 and English from 2010-11.
The Journey of the College from an obscure and organic one is nonetheless unputdownable and any attempt to skeletonize its history and offer a precise account of its progress through passage of time is tantamount to a vainglorious enterprise.

Dr. Harekrushna Mahatab College
Kupari, Khaira, Balasore, Odisha-756001
Phone – 06788-231140 / 9437813773
Email ID – hkmcollegekupari@gmail.com


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