E Registration Process Odisha
Application Process
The CAF will be available in www.dheodisha.gov.in / www.samsodisha.gov.in for applying
online only. There will be one Common Application Form (CAF) for admission to any stream of
any Degree / Autonomous/ Sanskrit Colleges in the State. There shall be one Common
Prospectus (CP) for Degree / Autonomous including Sanskrit colleges.
The CP will be available online in PDF format. An applicant can download the same and
take a printout for making an informed choice while filling in CAF on-line.
Where to apply Online?
Students can apply online at Home, Cybercafe, Common Service Center, Internet Facility
Center operated in Degree SAMS Resource Centers etc.
How to apply Online?
Applicant shall register her/himself in the portal before applying the online CAF. Applicant
need to follow the below mentioned processes to register in the SAMS portal.
Registration Process
Go to SAMS website www.samsodisha.gov.in .
Click on the Degree (+3) link under Higher Education banner.
Click on “New Student Registration” button.
Enter Name of the Student, Mobile Number and mail id in the box provided.
Click on the “Generate OTP” button.
A six digit OTP will be sent to the mobile number provided, which will be valid for 5 minutes.
Then enter the OTP number in the box showing in the computer screen.
Give your own password and reconfirm the same in the box showing in the computer screen.
Password must be at least one Upper Case, Lower Case Digit and Special Character in it e.g.
Then login to the SAMS Application using the user name (mobile number) & password given
during online registration. After registration in the SAMS website (www.samsodisha.gov.in), an e-Space will be created
for that particular student/applicant in the SAMS application software.
For login to the Student e-Space, click on the “Existing Student Login” using the user name
(mobile number) and password given during online registration.
– Following links will be available for the student during application stage
Common Application Form
Slide Up Option Form
Intimation Letter
Admission Schedule
Online Payment
Note: Use ‘TAB’ Key of the Keyboard to move from one box to next one of CAF. Wherever,
any box has a ‘Select Field’, you have to click on ‘Select’ and you will get a list of data relating
to that field. You have to click on the ‘Data field’ relevant to you and then move to the next
field. For Example, for ‘State’ box, once you click on ‘Select’ in the box, the list of states will
be displayed. You have to move the ‘Mouse / Curser’ to your state, say ‘Odisha’ and click on
the same to fill in the box.
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