Environment climate change questions and answers

Which country emerged on top of the 2020 Environmental Performance Index ?
What is India’s rank on the 2020 Environmental Performance Index ?
—168th rank
Greta Thunberg, a teenaged environment activist hails from
Who is the author of the book ‘Climate and Evolution’ ?
—W.D. Mathew
The ‘Basel Convention’ is aimed at protecting human health and environment against adverse effects of
—Hazardous wastes
‘Gandhi Solar Park’ is located at
—New York
What is the heat budget of the earth ?
What is the heat budget of the atmosphere ?
Which kind of fuel is the most environment friendly fuel ?
Who gave the concept of ‘Environmental Determinism’ ?
—Friedrich Ratzel
Ghatigaon Wildlife Sanctuary is also known as
—The Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary
Ghatigaon Wildlife Sanctuary is located at
—Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh)
First world climate conference was organised in
—1979 in Geneva
Which plant is known as the pollution indicator plant ?
Where was the first biosphere reserve in 1986 set up in India ?
‘Agenda–21’ is associated with
—The first Earth Summit
The United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) 13th Conference of Parties (COP) on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (CMS) was organised in
—Gandhinagar (Gujarat)
How many are the types of ecological pyramids ?
‘Ecology is the permanent economy’. This is the statemen t o f
—Sundarlal Bahuguna
Which pollutant is responsible for “Knock-Knee Syndrome” ?
‘Centre of Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystem’ is located in
Centre for Ecological Science is located in
Most sensitive creature category to environmental change is
Which eminent climate change activist was named ‘Time Person of the year for 2019’ ?
—Greta Thunberg
Who is the author of the book ‘Climate and Evolution’ ?
—W.D. Mathew
The size of the Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (R.S.P.M.) in air is
—Less than 5 microne
Which greenhouse gas is emitted from landfills and wetlands ?
Who is the author of the book ‘Tomorrow’s Biodiversity’ ?
—Dr. Vandana Sharma
Gugamal National Park is located in
Betla National Park is located in
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