Ganesh Puja Odia Images

Ganesh Puja Odia Images

ganesh chaturthi 2025
ganesh chaturthi 2025

According to the Indian mythology

Goddess Parvati created baby Lord Ganesh using turmeric and sandalwood paste which she had applied all over her body. When Lord Shiva arrived in search of the Goddess, he saw the boy guarding the entrance of the chamber and asked him to allow him to enter.

After being refused, a furious Mahadev severed the child’s head. When Goddess Parvati realised what had happened, she was heartbroken with grief and asked the Lord to resurrect the dead baby. Shiva instructed his attendants to search for the head of the first living creature they could find. However, they could only find a baby elephant sleeping nearby.

That is how Lord Ganesha came back to life with the elephant head as everyone knows. Lord Shiva then blessed Ganesh to be the leader of his Ganas (people) and named him Ganapati.




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