Highest flying bird list

Superlatives of the World


Top 10 Highest Flying Birds in the World

1. Ruppell’s Griffon Vulture
Founded in: Sahel region of central Africa
Scientific Name: Gyps rueppellii
Maximum Flying Height: 37,000 feet
The birds migrate mainly for the food and for thefavourable climate. They commonly fly to the north in the
spring to breed in the temperate or Arctic summer andreturning in the autumn to wintering grounds in warmer
regions to the south.

2. Common crane
Founded in: Northern parts of Europe and Asia
Scientific Name: Grus grus
Maximum Flying Height: 33,000 feet

3. Bar-headed goose
Founded in: High-altitude lakes in Asia
Scientific Name: Anser indicus
Maximum Flying Height: 27,825 feet

4. Whooper swan
Founded in: Wetland areas in Europe and Asia
Scientific Name: Cygnus Cygnus
Maximum Flying Height: 27,000 feet

5. Alpine chough
Founded in: High Mountains of Europe, northern Africa, and Asia
Scientific Name: Pyrrhocorax graculus
Maximum Flying Height: 26,500 feet

6. Bearded vulture
Founded in: Mountainous regions of Asia, Africa, and
Scientific Name: Gypaetus barbatus
Maximum Flying Height: 24,000 feet
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7. Andean condor
Founded in: South American Andes Mountains
Scientific Name: Vultur gryphus
Maximum Flying Height: 21,300 feet

8. Mallard
Founded in: Range encompasses both the Northern and
Southern Hemisphere
Scientific Name: Anas platyrhynchos
Maximum Flying Height: 21000 feet

9. Bar-tailed godwit
Founded in: Tundra and Arctic coasts of Eurasia and
winters in the tropical and temperate habitat of Europe,
Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand
Scientific Name: Limosa lapponica
Maximum Flying Height: 20,000 feet

10. White stork
Founded in: Europe, southwestern Asia, north-western
and southern Africa
Scientific Name: Ciconiidae
Maximum Flying Height: 16,000 feet


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