ibps Exam Calendar 2023-24

ibps Exam Calendar 2023-24

Tentative Calendar of Online CRP for RRBs & PSBs
RRBs – CRP RRB-XII (Office Assistants) and CRP RRB-XII (Officers)

ibps exam calendar 2023 pdf

Process of Registration

The registration process will be through online mode only and there will be a single registration for both Preliminary and Main examination, wherever applicable.Candidates will be required to upload the following documents as per the specification given in advertisement.
(1) Photograph of the Applicant – 20 kb to 50 kb in .jpeg file
(2) Signature of the Applicant – 10 kb to 20 kb in .jpeg file
(3) Thumb impression of the Applicant – 20 kb to 50 kb in .jpeg file
(4) Scanned Copy of handwritten declaration as per the format, which will be available in the respective advertisement – 50 kb to 100 kb in .jpeg file

Detailed Notifications

Prospective candidates are advised to visit official website of IBPS www.ibps.in regularly for detailed notification for each of the above examinations to be displayed in due course.



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