Indian Polity and Constitution quiz

Indian Polity and Constitution quiz

indian polity mcq online test


The President of India is empowered to nominate not more than two Anglo-Indian members to the Lok Sabha under
Article 331

Which article of the Constitution of India gives the definition of ‘Money Bills’ ?
Article 110

The feature of ‘Directive Principles of State Policy’ has been taken in the Indian Constitution from the
Constitution of Ireland

What is the rank of ‘Chief Ministers of States’ within their respective states on the rank and precedence of the persons in India table ?
Seventh rank

Who is the first law officer of the Government of India ?
Attorney-General of India

The Finance Commission submits its report to the
President of India

The presiding officer of which House of Parliament is not a member of that House ?
Rajya Sabha

What is the maximum duration between two sessions of the Parliament in India ?
Six months

Lakshadweep comes under the judicial jurisdiction of
Kerala High Court

Puducherry comes under the judicial jurisdiction of
Madras High Court

The main duty of the Speaker Protem of Lok Sabha is

—To administer oath to the newly elected members of Lok Sabha

Article 360 of the Constitution of India deals with the provisions as to

—Financial Emergency

Which Article of the Constitution of India ensures the protection of life and personal liberty ?

—Article 21

What does the ‘Hung Parliament’ mean ?

—A Parliament in which no party has clear majority

 The Directive Principles of State Policy enshrined in the Part IV of the Indian Constitution are from

—Article 36 to 51

 Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the ‘Emergency Provisions’ ?


The Vice President of India can be removed from the office

—By a resolution of the Rajya Sabha passed by a majority and agreed by the Lok Sabha

How many Writs can the Supreme Court under Article 32 and the High Courts under Article 226 issue to protect the fundamental rights ?

—Five Writs

The Union Council of Ministers has no option but to resign if it loses the confidence of

—The Lok Sabha

Which Writ literally means ‘a Command’ ?


Which Article of the Constitution of India deals with the Sessions of Parliament, prorogation and dissolution ?

—Article 85

Jurisdiction and powers of the Federal Court under existing law to be exercisable by the Supreme Courtis under


Article 1 of the Indian Constitution describes India as a

—Union of States

Who have been placed on ninth rank on the table of rank and precedence of the persons of India ?

—Judges of Supreme Court

Which Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with the disqualification on ground of defection ?

—10th Schedule

All executive actions of the Government of India are formally taken in the name of

—The President of India

When the President neither ratifies nor rejects nor returns the bill passed by the both houses of Parlia ment and keeps it for an indefinite period, it is called

—The Pocket Veto of the President

Which Constitutional amendment was also referred to as the Mini Constitution of India ?

—42nd amendment

Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh carry the similar number of representatives in the Rajya Sabha. They are

—11 members in each state

A Money Bill cannot be introduced in

—The Rajya Sabha

How many delegates attended the first session of the Indian National Congress in 1885 ?

—72 delegates

Which freedom fighter edited ‘The Dawn of India’ (an English daily) and ‘Dainik Basumati’ (a Bengali daily) ?

—Barindra Kumar Ghosh

Who invited Mahatma Gandhi to Champ ran to lead the movement against the oppression of the indigo cultivators ?

—Raj Kumar Shukla

Pandit Motilal Nehru remained the President of the Indian National Congress twice in

—1919 and 1928

Who edited the ‘Commonweal’ and ‘New India’ papers ?

—Annie Besant


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