Inventions and Discoveries Quiz

Inventions and Discoveries Quiz

Discovery Discoverer
Geographical Discoveries
America Columbus
Brazil Cabral
North Pole Robert Peary
Everest (Conquered) Tabie Junko
Planetary Motion Kepler
Hawaiian Islands Captain Cook
South Pole Amundsen
Solar System Copernicus
Chemistry and Physics
Atom Bomb
Otto Hahn
Atomic Theory Dalton
Atomic Numbers Moseley
Cosmic Rays R.S. Millikan
Dynamite Alfred Nobel
Electrons Theory Bohr
Electricity (current) Volta
Electric Telegraphy (Code) S. Morse
Gravitation Newton
Gas Light Murdock
Oxygen J. Priestly
Photography L. Daguerre
Printing for the blind Louis Braille
Radium Madame Curie
Telegraph Samuel Morse
Television J.L. Baird
Telephone Graham Bell
Wireless G. Marconi
X-rays W.K. Roentgen
Wright Brothers
Bicycle Macmillan
Computer Charles Babbage
Dynamo Michal Faraday
Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel
Engine (Railway) Stephenson
Fountain Pen Waterman
Gramophone Edison
Locomotive Power of Steam James Watt
Helicopter Brequet
Life Boat Henry Greathead
Microscope Z. Jansen
Printing Press Gutenberg
Revolver Colt
Sewing Machine Elias Howe
Thermometer Fahrenheit
Transistor W. Shockley
Typewriter Sholes
Telescope Hans Lippershey
Tank (Military) Swinton
Antiseptic Surgery
Lord Joseph Lister
Bacteria Leeuwenhock
Circulation of Blood William Harvey
Homoeopathy (Discovered) Hahnemann
Insulin F. Banting
Penicillin Alexander Flemming
Malaria Parasite Dr. Ronald Ross
Stethoscope Laennec
Vitamins Funk
Anti-Rabies Treatment Pasteur
Nylon Carouthers
Science of Geometry Euclids
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