Kid’s story, lesson

Mosquito family was very worried . Every day , inflation was rising and all the other family members were still unemployed . Till how long they could survive asking from others and how long others would help .
Female mosquito advised her husband , ” Why don’t we start doing some work . No one will feed us if we won’t work . Children are also growing . We are twelve people including ten children . If we will work , all of us can make contribution and no one would be required to do service . ”
Mosquito said , ” Your advice is nice but what work should we do . We need money for starting business which we don’t have . ”
Female mosquito told him , ” There are lots of works where we need to invest a little . Why don’t we open a betel shop ? We would not be required to invest anything . We will bring things in advance and will pay the debt in the evening from the money we earn . ”
“You are right . We will start our shop from tomorrow . ” He brought the things required for opening the betel shop . They started their shop . Mosquito and his wife looked after their shop . Slowly their children also started sitting there . They kept betel leaves , tobacco and other toxic products . Their products were selling at high rate . Their livelihood improved .
One day , mosquito observed that his all children cough everyday and they were getting Weak .
He tried to know the reason and he got to know that they all chew tobacco while sitting in the shop . Mosquito got panic . He made his kids understand that tobacco is very injurious for health and they can lose their life due to this but his children did not pay any heed to his advice .