Ordinal Numbers one to hundred in English
Ordinal Numbers one to hundred in English
Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal Numbers one to hundred in English
Ordinal Numbers
All Geometry Formulas PDF BASIC GEOMETRIC FORMULAS AND PROPERTIES This handout is intended as a review of basic geometric formulas and properties. For further or more advanced geometric formulas and properties, consult with a SLAC counselor. Free PDF Download
Odia Typing in English Matra
The Thirsty Crow Moral Story It was a hot summer day. A crow was very thirsty. He flew here and there in search of water. But he could not find water anywhere. As it was summer, all lakes and rivers had dried up. At last, he found a water pot lying in the outyard of…
The wise Cock and Wicked fox Moral Story There lived wise cock in a village. He did his duties well. He crowed early in the morning, waking up the folks for their daily chores. One day, the cock was taking rest on a tree top. A wicked fox passed that way. The fox looked up…
Where is God English Story Once upon a time, there lived remote part of West Bengal. He was pious and had many disciples. Once a sage in a Every morning he would sit beneath a tree outside his ashram and preach to his disciples. Every day, one of his disciples, Madan would ask, “Sir,…
The Dog And The Donkey Moral Story There lived a dog and a donkey in a house of a rich man. The dog guarded his house and the donkey camed loads for him. It was a hot afternoon. The dog was sleeping under the shady veranda. There was some noise outside. The dog just lifted…