Krushna Chandra Pipili Junior College Jagai

Krushna Chandra Pipili Junior College Jagai

Krushna Chandra Pipili (Junior) College Jagai Balasore Odisha
Krushna Chandra Pipili (Junior) College Jagai Balasore Odisha

The dream of establishment of a higher education institution dates back to 1978. It become materialised in the year 1982 after persistent struggle, disappointment, hope and despair of some generous personalities of South Baliapal.

The College is situated in the coastal belt of Baliapal block which is remote and densely populated area. It is located in the village Jagai, the heart of south Baliapal, which is six Km. ahead of Bay of Bengal. It is located near the kalipada bus stop and is seven km. away from Baliapal.

Within a span of 32 years the college possesses adequate number of rooms for classes and office.
So far as academic history is concerned it is initially affiliated to council of higher Secondary Education, Odisha in the Year 1985 and 1988 for a sanctioned strength of 128 seats in +2 Arts is 256 with eight subject, in the year 1989 the college turned in to a degree college by obtaining affiliation from Utkal University in +3 Arts with 4 seats now, it has increased its seats to 128 since 1991. The college provides Honors teaching facilities in five subject i.e. Political Science. History, odia, Sanskrit and Education (16 seats each) from the session 1997-98, 2009-2010, 2010-2011. It is a great pleasure that the college received the govt. permission for the opening of +2 Science ( 64 seats ) from the session 1997-98 with four optional subjects. there are four N.S.S. wings two for +2 and the other for +3 in full swing. now the teaching staff of the college consisted of 32 lectures and 20 Non Teaching staff.
the thirty two years old temple of learning has 2000 disciples. It has long history of 32 years and miles to go. let us work together to accelerate the pace of learning ship in order to reach at the horizon of wisdom and the zenith of success.

SUNIL KUMAR DEY (D.E.O.) – 7873381137 / 8249009017


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