Kuntala Kumari Sabat Women’s (Degree) College Balasore Odisha

College Name: Kuntala Kumari Sabat Women’s (Degree) College

K K S Women's College
K K S Women’s College

Kuntala Kumari Sabat Women’s College was established on the 1st of July1960 by the local elite with a view to promoting higher education for women in Balasore. It was first named as Women’s Collage Balasore. It started under a private management as a Degree College, with teaching facilities in humanities only. Late K.C. Dey was its first Principal and chief patron. The state government took over the management of the College from 01.10.1965. Subsequently, the College was named after the illustrious Oriya poetess and doctor Kuntala Kumaril Sabat on 24.07.1976.

Science faculty was introduced in the Collage in the year 1996. From the academic session 2001-2002,+2 Stream has been function Independently as K.K.S Women’s Junior College and is affiliated to the Council of Higher Secondary Education , Orissa. +3 curriculum with Provision for honors teaching in nine subject leading to B. A. Degree and Science stream at +3 stage leading to B. Sc. (from 2013-14 session) are affiliated to Fakir Mohan University ,Balasore. The sanctioned strength of students in both +2 & +3 in 2014-15 session comes to 1184. The college has been included in Section 2(f) &12(b) of the U.G.C. Act and listed in the UGC Directory of recognized Institutions at Sl No 15 of Page 473. It has been accredited with B+ Grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore in February 2006 which adds to glory of the College.

Smt. Susmita Mishra
The Principal
K.K.S Womens’s College
At- Manikhamb
Po- Motiganj
Dist- Balasore
Pin- 756003
Phone No- 06782-262275 (o), 240105 (o)
Mobile No- 9583366227 (M)
E-Mail – kks_wc@yahoo.co.in



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