Letter for Closing Bank Account SBI
Name of Post Office/Bank__________________________
Account Number___________________________
1. I hereby submit pass book/deposit receipt and apply for closure of my above mentioned
account matured on_________________.
2. Please Credit the amount of eligible balance in my matured account to my SB Account
no.________________________ standing at______________________(Name of Account office).
Please issue a Demand Draft/account payee cheque
Please pay in cash (applicable if the amount is below permissible limit).
*Certified, that the amount sought to be withdrawn/loan to be availed is required for the use
of ………………………………………who is alive and still a Minor.
Signature or thumb impression of account holder /guardian
(Thumb impression should be attested by a person known to Accounts office)
Payment Order
(For office use only)
Date …………………………..
Payment detail
Principal amount Rs.____________________________________________
(+) Interest due Rs. _____________________________________________
(-) Recovery of overpaid interest Rs.__________________________________
Deduction if any Rs_____________________________________________
Total Amount due Rs_____________________________________________
Pay Rs.____________________(in figurers)_____________________________________(in
Signature of Postmaster/Manager
be filled by depositor)
Received Rs ._____________(In figures)______________________ (in words) By cash/cheque/DD
bearing no…………………………………….dated…………………./by transfer to Account
Date: Signature/thumb impression of account holder