odisha b.ed entrance exam 2019 -2021

Duration :
The B.Ed. programme shall be of a duration of two academic years
Working Days :
There shall be at least 200 working days each year exclusive of the period of
Examination and admission. The minimum attendance of student teacher shall have to be 80% for all course work and practicum, and 90% for school internship.

Name of the Institutions and Intake Capacity :
Admission shall be made in the following Institutions for two year B.Ed.
(Secondary) Course as per intake mentioned below.

Co-educational Institutions Intake
1. RNIASE, Cuttack 150
2. Dr. PMIASE, Sambalpur 100
3. DPIASE, Berhampur 100
4. NKC CTE, Angul 200
5. CTE, Balasore 100
6. CTE, Balangir 100
7. KSUB CTE, Bhanjanagar 100
8. DAV CTE, Koraput 100
9. CTE, Rourkela 100
10. AATC, Fakirpur 100
11. UG CTE, Baripada 100
12. CTE, Kalahandi 100
13. Government Teachers’ Training College, Phulbani 100
14. NDW CTE, Bhubaneswar (Institute for Women) 200
Total 1650
15. DIET, Jagatsinghpur 50
16. DIET, Dhenkanal 50
17. DIET, Puri 50
18. DIET, Bhadrak 50
19. DIET, Jajpur 50
Total 250
20. Government B.Ed. Training College, Kalinga Kandhamal 100
Grand Total 2000

Publication of Final Result :
The provisional scoring key shall be made available in the website for
reference of the candidate, after 3 days of the completion of the Online
Computer Based Test for all the courses. The queries on the scoring key
shall be invited from the candidates for 3 days only through online. On the
basis of the queries received from the candidates, the Expert panel will
analyze the complain and if found true, the Revised final scoring key shall be
made available within 1 week. In case of any discrepancy in the question
paper as well as in the scoring key, the decision of the Expert Committee
shall be treated as final.

 All Certificates and Mark sheets in original.
Equivalency Certificate in case of any Degree obtained from University
outside Odisha
Certificate of Headmaster of the school to the effect that he / she has
passed HSC in Odia medium (in the cases who have passed from Board of
Secondary Education, Odisha without Odia as MIL).
Residential Certificate issued by Tahasildar / Additional Tahasildar after
Caste Certificate in case of SC, ST and SEBC candidates, by virtue of birth
UDID Disability Certificate issued Online in their favour in case of PH
Ex-serviceman Certificate in case of son / daughter / spouse of Exserviceman.
Green Card in case of Green Card Holder
Two recent stamp size coloured photographs.
One set of Xerox copies of all certificates.
N.B : Xerox Copies of all certificates / mark sheets shall be signed by the candidates
in full.


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