Odisha State Botanical Garden Entry Fee

Odisha State Botanical Garden Entry Fee

SL Items/Facilities Amount per unit (Rs) Service Charges (Rs) Total (Rs) per unit
1 Entry Fee Above 12 years 20 0 20
2 Entry of vehicle (in each time) Two Wheeler 30 0 30
Three Wheeler 30 0 30
Four Wheeler Light Vehicle 100 0 100
Buses/Mini Buses/Trucks etc 200 0 200
3 Accomodation in FRH FRH-I Suit-I 3000 100 3100
FRH-I Suit-II 2500 100 2600
FRH-II 2500 100 2600
5 Picnic Pindis Smaller Pindi (12 Nos) 250 50 300
Larger Pindi (54 Nos) 500 50 550
6 Picnic Sheds 8 Nos 1200 100 1300
7 Special Pindis Smaller Size (9 Nos) 1500 100 1600
8 Shooting Handy-cam 100 0 100
High-end Video Camera 500 0 500
Films 25000 0 25000
TV Serial/Documentary 15000 0 15000
Album Songs 10000 0 10000

N.B: Free entry for the children below twelve years.


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