online registration for covid vaccine in odisha

How To Register Through CoWIN Portal For Covid-19 Vaccination

The second phase vaccination drive against Covid-19 began today across India, including in Odisha. This time, senior citizens (above 60 years) and people aged 45 or above suffering with comorbidities can register to get vaccinated.
The Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and the National Health Authority (NHA) has uploaded a user guide in its official website ( to help citizens register and book their appointment for the vaccination date and time.
Citizens can either opt for or Aarogya Setu which has been integrated with CoWIN app to register for the inoculation drive.

Booking Appointment for Vaccination
Step 1: Citizen can schedule Appointment from the “Account Details” page

Step 2: Clicks on ‘Calendar’ icon button for Booking Vaccination Appointment or Click “SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT”

Step 3: System navigates to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page. Search the Vaccination Centre of choice by State, District, Block and Pin Code from the dropdowns.

Step 4: On clicking “Search” button, system will display below the list of Vaccination centre as per Search Criteria

Step 5: Center Name will be displayed at right panel of the page. On clicking any centre at the panel, the available slots (date and capacity) will be displayed.

Step 6: Once “Book” button is clicked, the “Appointment Confirmation” page is displayed. Click “Confirm” button after verifying the details for final confirmation on booking.

Step 7: Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed.

Rescheduling an Appointment

Once the appointment is fixed, it can be rescheduled at any later stage but before the vaccination appointment day

For this, re-login to “Citizen Registration” module; with your already registered mobile no.

Step 1: Click on ‘Calendar’ icon to re-schedule an already booked appointment.

Step 2: Citizen is Directed to Book Appointment for Vaccination” page; wherein s/he can Search the revised date and Center

Step 3: Once the new Date is selected; Click “Book” to reschedule; Confirm by clicking “ Confirm” of the revised Schedule

Step 4: Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed.

Note: Once Vaccinated for the first dose, the citizen will be automatically scheduled appointment for dose 2 for the same centre of receiving the first dose of vaccination.

In case the user has moved to another city, appointment can be rescheduled for the nearest vaccination centre in that city.

Step 1: Citizens can register by logging in “” or Aarogya Setu

Step 2: Enter valid mobile number. Click on “Get OTP” button

Step 3: You will receive an OTP on your registered phone number via SMS. Enter the OTP and click “Verify” button.

Step 4: Once the OTP is validated, the “Registration of Vaccination” page appears
Step 5: Enter details required in the “Registration of Vaccination” page which includes, Photo ID Proof, Photo ID Number, Your Name, Year of Birth, Gender & Comorbidities.

Step 6: Once the details are entered for registration, Click “Register” Button at the bottom right.

Step 7: You will receives a confirmation message on successful registration.

Step 8: Once registration is completed; the system will show the “Account Details”. A Citizen can further add 3 more people linked with a mobile number by clicking on “Add More” button at the bottom right side of the Page.

Step9: Enter all the details of the individual to be included and then click on the Add button


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