Purple Turtle Children Story

Purple Turtle Children Story

Purple Turtle Children Story
Purple Turtle Children Story

Purple, Biggy, and Zing were walking the steep
steps of the Great Wall of China.
“The Great Wall is amazing,” exclaimed Purple.
It was built to keep invaders out of the country,
years ago.”
Chomp! Chomp!
Biggy heard some munching sound.
He looked over to see a small little panda with a
big shoot of bamboo in his hand.

When the panda bear spotted three of them,
he stopped eating.
“Hi, my name is Ni Hao. That’s hello in Chinese.
Welcome to the Great Wall of China,” said Ni Hao.
“Is anyone hungry? I can share some of my
bamboo shoots.”

Purple Turtle Earth Series

Biggy said to himself that the little panda was a
real talker.
“Hi! I am Biggy,” pointing towards his friends,
Biggy said, “Meet my friends, Purple and Zing.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Ni Hao.” greeted the


“I live here in the forest. Do you want to see my
home?” Said Ni Hao.
Purple said “Oh! I always wondered where the
pandas lived. It would be fun.”
So, Ni Hao’s new friends walked into the forest.

Purple Turtle Earth Series f

Vroom Vroom… A tree fell to the ground. Thump!
Then another one. Thump! A big yellow bulldozer
was at work.
“It is sad that people are cutting down the trees,”
said Purple. “They are so important they help
hold the soil and provide shade.”

Biggy added,“Trees provide homes for animals.”
Suddenly, Ni Hao stopped munching on his
bamboo. “Where is my home? Where is my
mama?” he said. An open field stood where once
Ni Hao’s home had been!
The baby panda started crying.

Purple hugged Ni Hao. “Don’t be sad, we will help
you find your mama.”
Ni Hao sniffled. “Mama told me if I ever got lost, I
must go and see the Wise Old Panda. He lives up
there, on that high mountain in the forest,” pointed
Ni Hao.

“Then, that’s where we will go,” Purple said.
As the friends walked, they smelled smoke. The
workers were burning tree branches. Zing saw
white smoke curl into the sky.
“Achoo!” Zing sneezed from all the smoke.
“All that ss-smoke is making my eyes ww-water.”

Biggy shook his head. “Don’t people know that
smoke gets into the air. Then, it gets into our lungs
when we breathe It’s not healthy!”
Climbing higher, they passed a river. Lots of
paper trash, an old tire and an old shoe were
floating along.

“Trash doesn’t belong in our waters! Why do
people pollute?” wondered Purple.
Heavy smoky clouds covered the forest.
As they reached the mountain top,
Ni Hao spotted a panda.
“Are you the wise old panda?” he
“Yes my dear! I am Xie Xie,” said the
wise old panda.
“I’m lost. Few men destroyed my home
while I was away. Mama said if I ever
got lost, I should ask you for help,” said
Ni Hao.
“You have come to the right place. This is a
reserve for Pandas. Your mama is safe here.
Come with me,” said the wise old panda as he
took all of them deeper into the forest.
Purple, Zing and Biggy smiled as they could help
Ni Hao meet Xie Xie.

Soon, Ni Hao saw his mama and started
jumping. “Look, there is my mama! Thank
you, Purple, Biggy and Zing. I couldn’t have
reached here without your help. You are great
The friends smiled as they were happy to help.

“Please accept my bag of bamboo as a
gift,” said Ni Hao.
Mama panda was pleased to have found
Ni Hao. She thanked Purple and his friends
as they brought her baby safely to the


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