Question Paper English Class 12 PDF

Answer: Educational toys enhance the personality of children by promoting specific cognitive abilities and skill sets.

(v) Read the five headlines (a)-(e), given below:

(a) Sustainable Educational Toys are Developmentally Appropriate.

(b) Sustainable Educational Toys Promote Free play.

(c) Sustainable Educational Toys – Free and Widespread.

(d) Sustainable Educational Toys – Experiential Learning.

(e) Sustainable Educational Toys – Hinder Interaction with people.

Identify the option that displays the headline that DOES/DO NOT correspond with what the passage highlights.

(A) only (e)

(B) (a) and (b)

(C) (c) and (e)

(D) only (d)

Answer: (C) (c) and (e)

(vi) What evidences do you gather from the passage to state that educational system is revolutionized by educational toys ? Answer in about 40 words.

Answer: The paragraph emphasises how educational toys transform the educational system by offering chances for hands-on

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