Remuna (Junior) College Remuna Balasore Odisha

College Name: Remuna (Junior) College Remuna

remuna college
remuna college

About Us
The college which started with 128 students has grown over the years and has at present sanctioned student strength of 1545 in Degree classes out of which more than 70 % are girls. The college now aspires to open Post Graduate Classes for its students and efforts are on in this regard. This institution is situated on seven acres of land protected by concrete boundary walls in the Head Quarter of Remuna Block under Srikrushnapur Mouza of Balasore. With the help of public, financial support from local industries and MLA Lad grant of Mr. Pradipta Panda, Ex M.L.A., Nilgiri and the founder President of Remuna Degree College under his dynamic vision and able guidance could manage to construct a three storied Academic Building with 18 lecture halls & well equipped Science Laboratories, Principal’s Room, Staff Common Room, Wi-Fi Campus, Digital Library-Cum-Reading Room, Air conditioned Language Hall to conduct seminars and symposia, Air-conditioned SAMs Centre, Boys’ Common Room, Girls’ Common Room, another two storied Administrative Building, ALUMNI Room, IQAC Room, NSS Room, Red Cross Room, beautiful Garden, Playground, Canteen, separate Cycle Stands for students & staff, own Transformer for supply of electricity, a Boys’ Hostel and a Ladies’ Hostel with 40 seats (under construction with UGC financial support under Twelfth Plan) along with good sanitary and drinking water facilities in every building. For the all-round development of students, the college provides various recreational facilities like indoor, outdoor games and cultural programmes. The library has grown with adequate number of books and refereed journals. It has facilities for lending books through computerised system.

Computerization of office work including admission, administration, examination, accounts and e-despatch of office letters is an important achievement of the college. Funds in the college include State Government Grants, Development Fees collected from students at the time of admission, UGC Grant and MLA Lad Grant and donations from public & industries which are used in building infrastructure and for other development purposes such as purchase of equipments and furniture.

The College admits the students as per the policy stated by the Government of Odisha and follows the curriculum prescribed by the F. M. University following the guidelines of UGC with a view to maintain the quality and standard of higher education offered in other recognized Universities of the country. The college takes special care for capacity building by organising remedial classes, maintaining question bank with model answers for the slow learners. The above average students are encouraged to participate in inter-college and intra-college debate, quiz and essay-writing competitions and science exhibitions as a means to personality development, and are made to do home assignments, project work, attend seminars to enhance standards. As a consequence, the students have been performing well in the university examinations and quite a few have secured ranks in the Final Degree Examinations in the last couple of years.

The faculty members make it their mission to update their knowledge by effective use of libraries, participation in workshops, seminars, orientation programmes and refresher courses and by undertaking research activities such as M. Phil. and Ph. D. degrees. They provide effective guidance to students and work hard for fulfilling the long desired goal of the institution. The regular publication of the college’s annual magazine “Saptashara” and wall magazine “Banshiswana” provide scope to explore the students’ latent potential literary talent.
In addition to ALUMNI and the Governing Body, there are a number of committees like Admission Committee, Examination Committee, Construction Committee, Purchase Committee, Hostel Committee, Library Committee, Discipline Committee, Internal Audit Committee, Sports Committee, Parents- Teachers Association Committee, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell and Anti-ragging Cell headed by the Principal and with senior faculty as the members to facilitate the management of the college. The college has provision for giving financial aid to poor and meritorious students in the form of scholarship like students’ Freeship, assistance from the SSG, Scholarships offered by Govt of Odisha through ‘Prerana’ to only SC, ST and OBC students, Emami Paper Mills Ltd., The Samaj and the Indian Oil as well as other scholarships sponsored by private individuals and organisations.
There are scholarships for students of the minority community and children of Bidi labourers. The Youth Red Cross and the NSS units of the college have been vibrant all these years and have played significant roles in furthering community sense and community service. Activities like community development, health awareness programmes, health check up camps, blood donation camps, AIDs awareness and environment awareness programmes and ‘Jalachhatra’ during summer vacation have been organised by the volunteers of these wings. The NSS Boys’ unit and NSS Girls’ unit in particular have adopted nearby village named Srikrushnapur and Patnaraipur respectively for different programmes of social service for the poor villagers. The NCC unit of our institution has been attached to the NCC unit of F. M. Autonomous College, Balasore. The NCC cadets of the college participate in Independence Day parade, Republic Day parade, NCC Day parade, attend State & National level camps and participate in rescue & relief operations some of whom have been awarded with various certificates to make their career ahead. Some students have also exhibited their talents in dance, mountaineering, sports & games by achieving awards in National level events.

Remuna Degree College, Remuna , Balasore 756019


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