Repair of your Village School Application

Repair of your Village School Application

Application to the DI of Schools for Repair of your Village School


The District Inspector of Schools, …………..

Sub- Prayer to sanction funds for repair of the village school.

Sir,  We the  inhabitants of village ……………beg to lay before you

the following few lines for favour of your kind disposals, that our village is a big one. There are two thousands people living in this village. The only primary school in the village is in a dilapidated condition. It is too old. It needs sudden repair. Teaching gets hampered in the rainy season. As it is thatched house the walls are suspected to be fell down.

Therefore, we pray you to be good and kind enough to sanction money for repair of our village school for which we shall be highly obliged to you.

Therefore you sir.

Yours faithfully


Dt. ………………


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