Reward of a Good work Moral story

Reward of a Good work Moral story


An old man was walking on a road with great difficulty . Wind was blowing . Suddenly his cap flew with the wind . Two boys were passing through the way and were going to school . Old man requested them , ” My cap has flown . Please catch it otherwise I will feel cold without the cap . ”

The boys did not pay any heed to his request and instead were making fun of the scene . A girl named Leela , who were their school mate reached that way .

She ran and caught the cap and she cleaned the cap with her dress and gave it back to the old man . After that all boys reached school .

Their teacher saw this incident and after finishing his lecture he put this story before everyone in the class . He appreciated Leela’s good work and criticizes the behavior of boys .

After this , the teacher presented a book of colorful pictures to Leela and a note was written on that book which stated , ” Leela has been presented with this award for her good work . ”

The boys who were making fun of an old man’s cap were embarrassed of hearing this lesson .

Note : This story teaches us that we should not make fun of anybody . We should always help the person in need .

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