College Name: Kuntala Kumari Sabat Women’s (Junior) College
College Name: Remuna Degree College Remuna Remuna Degree College, Remuna…
Sri Jagannath Women’s Junior College Jaleswar Introduction While all efforts…
College Name: Gopalpur College Gopalpur Balasore GOPALPUR COLLEGE, GOPALPUR, BALASORE,…
College Name: Srinibas (Degree) College Mangalpur At/PO: Mangalpur,Via-Soro, Haridagadia, Odisha…
College Name: Kamarda (Degree) Mahavidyalaya Kamarda
College Name: Remuna (Junior) College Remuna About Us The college…
College Name: Srinibas (Junior) College Mangalpur
College Name: Belabhumi (Junior) College Avana
College Name: Khaira College Khaira Khaira College, Khaira owes its…
College Name: Rural (Degree) Institute of Higher Studies Bhogarai Rural…
College Name: Dinakrushna College Jaleswar In 1964 “North Balasore College”…
Surendranath Junior Institute of Higher Technical Studies Kamarda Balasore SURENDRA…
College Name: Rural (Junior) Institute of Higher Studies Bhogarai
Nilagiri College Nilagiri Balasore College Name: Nilagiri College Nilagiri This…
College Name: Dr. Hare Krishna Mahatab College Kupari To actualize…
College Name: Nilamani Mahavidyalaya Rupsa This college Nilamani Mahavidyalaya, Rupsa,…
College Name: Santilata (Junior) College Uitikiri
College Name: Bhogarai Women’s (Junior) College Bhogarai