The Ant and the Grasshopper Moral Story

It was summer. It was bright and sunny. Food was plentiful everywhere.
A grasshopper was singing and dancing gay fully. He had everything to eat.
An ant was working very hard carrying food into her hole. The grasshopper cried in mockery. “Oh! What a pity? You work hard on a sunny day. You lose all play, poorthing”. The ant replied” It’s okey my friend. We are storing for the cold winter. You too can save! “But the grasshopper did not take heed of it.
Soon came winter. It was cold everywhere. There was no food. The grasshopper began to starve. He went to the ant and asked for some food. The ant replied” You lazy fool! The whole summer you danced and sang, not thinking about future. Go and dance now. I can’t help you”.