The Arrogant Horse Moral Story

The Arrogant Horse Moral Story


A farmer owned a donkey and a horse. The horse used to carry the master and the donkey used to carry his loads.

Once, the farmer took the donkey and the horse to town to do his monthly shopping. After all the shopping was over, the donkey was overloaded with supplies. He was unable to carry the load.

The donkey asked the horse, “Please my dear friend! Help me and share the load”.

The horse arrogantly replied, “It is your duty to carry loads. Mine is just to carry to master “.

The donkey managed to carry the load for some distance more. But he started frothing. The farmer saw the poor state of the donkey and he shifted the whole load from the donkey to the horse.

Now the horse thought, “If I had accepted the donkey’s suggestion earlier, I would be carrying just half this load”.


The Arrogant Horse Moral Story
The Arrogant Horse Moral Story
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