The Bull And The Frogs Moral Story

The Bull And The Frogs Moral Story

Learn &Grow story
The Bull And The Frogs Non stop Entertainment story for kids

It was a damp rainy day. The pond was full of water. Some small frogs were hopping and playing happily.
A bull came up to the pond to drink some water. After drinking water, the bull bellowed loudly. On hearing the bellowing sound the little frogs got frightened. They hopped away in a hurry to their Grandpa at home.
On seeing his grandchildren’s hurry, the grandpa asked, “Well children! What is the matter? “.

One of the little frogs croaked in a feeble voice, “Grandpa, we saw a very big animal at the pond. He had a terrible loud voice. We were all frightened”.

The Grandpa frog spread his legs and puffed his cheeks and asked “Was the animal as big as this?” The answer came” He was much bigger.
The Grandpa puffed still more and asked” Was he still bigger?” The answer was
“Much bigger, Much bigger”.
The Grandpa puffed, puffed and puffed until his lungs burst and he fell down.


The Bull And The Frogs Moral Story
The Bull And The Frogs Moral Story
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