The Crooked Thinkers Story

Long ago, there lived three thieves in a town . All three were experts in their own way . One was good at opening locks , the second was good at forgery and the third was good with his knife .
Once, they looked a house and escaped with a booty . Due to heavy vigilance, they were not able to encash the jewels and precious stones. So , they took the booty to a dense shrub and burried it under a jasmine plant so that it would be easy to identify .
While returning from the shrub , they felt hungry . They cided that one would go to town and get something to eat . One of them left for town . The other two started a heavy discussion .
They thought , ” If we are ready with a heavy stick , when the third man returns from town , we can kill him . Then , it would be enough todivide the booty into two parts “.
Meanwhile , the one who had been to town thought , ” If I mix some poison in the food , the other two would eat the poisoned food and die Then , all the booty will be mine ” . So , he mixed poison in the food and took it to the others .
When he returned , the other two where ready with heavy sticks . They beat him to death . Now , they ate the food . And alas , they too died .