The Grateful Eagle Moral Story

The Grateful Eagle Moral Story

The Grateful Eagle Moral Story
The Grateful Eagle Story

The Grateful Eagle

Oneday, while a woodcutter was chopping some firewood, he found an eagle caught in a trap. The woodcutter was taken by the looks and beauty of the bird. He wend and cut away the trap and let her free.

After some days, the woodcutter had to cut some trees on the top of a hillock. He got hungry. He took his meals packet and sat on a boulder on the edge of the peak. As he was about to start eating, the eagle swept down and carried away the meals packet.

The woodcutter was enraged. He started running after the eagle. Just as he got up from the boulder, the boulder gave way and fell from the top with a loud crash. The eagle returned and placed the food packet near the woodcutter. Now only, the woodcutter understood the eagle’s goodwill.


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