The Greedy Minister Moral Story

The Greedy Minister Moral Story

The Greedy Minister Moral Story
The Greedy Minister Moral Story


Veerputhra, the king of Veerpuri, had a craze over fishes. His meals without fish was felt to be incomplete. He expected fresh fish everyday.

Once there was a heavy storm and no fisherman set out to catch fish. The crazy Veerputhra announced, “The fisherman who brings me fresh fish would be rewarded handsomely “.

On hearing this announcement, a poor brave fisher man set out to fish. He returned with a large fish. He went straight to the palace. But the guards refused to let him in. Just then, veerputhra’s minister came that way.

The minister said, “I would let you in, but you should give me half of what you receive”. The fisherman agreed. So, he was let in.

The king was so happy on seeing the fish. He said ” Brave fisherman, demand whatever you want and you will be given”.

The fisherman said, “Your majesty, Give me ten whippings “.

Although the king was astonished, he called his guard and asked him to give ten mild whippings.

After the fisherman received five whippings he said, “Please give the remaining whippings to my partner.

Veeraputhra asked in amazement, “who is your partner?”.

The fisherman said, “your minister is my partner, My lord. He has asked for half of what I receive to grant me entry”.

The enraged king punished his minister and gave a hand some reward to the fisherman.

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