The Silly And The Wise Moral Story

The Silly And The Wise Moral Story

The Silly And The Wise Moral Story
The Silly And The Wise Moral Stories

The Silly And The Wise

It was a hot summer day. Not many animals came out to graze. A wolf was very hungry. He could not get any prey. At last, he saw a goat grazing nearby.

The silly wolf was so happy that he started to snarl before he sprang on the goat. The snarl had alerted the goat and as the wolf sprang the goat began to run. The wolf started chasing the goat. Both began to run with their full might.

It so ended that the goat was on top of a rock and the wolf was below the rock. The goat said amongst great heaving, “You silly wolf! Instead of chasing me, you just open your mouth and I will jump into

The silly wolf opened its mouth wide open. The goat jumped down, not into wolf’s mouth, but on the wolf head. The wolf got crashed.


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