The True Friends Story

It was a fine day . Ram and Raj went out sailing . They were enjoying the sun and the sea . They chatted happily about things . They came far away from the shore .
Ram said , “Come Raj, let us return home”. Raj agreed. The two friends turned their boat towards the shore.
All of a sudden, the sky grew dark. Strong winds started blowing . Ahailstorm had set in . The boat racked heavily. The friends had no other go than to jump into the sea.
At that moment, a plank came floating that way . Both the friends jumped at the plank and held it tightly . But , to their dismay . they found that the plank was too light to hold two person . Only one would be able to survive .
Ram said, “Raj you hold the plank . You are married and a family is depend eat on you” . Raj said, “Ram, you have a mother a sister . You hold on to the plank”.
Ram said, “If I die, you can support my family, but it would be inappropriate for me to support your’s . Saying so Ram let go of the plank and he was washed away by the storm .
Raj survived to support his family and that of his friend .