The Unworthy Friends Story in English

The Unworthy Friends Story in English

The Unworthy Friends Story in English


There were a few crows who had no other work than to fly into the neighboring fields and stealthily pick

up corns and grains .

Once a pigeon was starving . Her master was not property feeding her . She found that the crows were having a good food.

She asked the leader crow , ” Hello crow leader , you have nice food everyday . Won’t you join me also in your group . I too , would y with you and enjoy good food”.

The leader crow was more than happy to join a pigeon in his group , so , he readily accepted the pigeon’s request .

From that day the pigeon began to go with the crows . Time was passing smoothly . The pigeon almost forgot her master .

One day as usual, the crows planned to steal grains from a nearby farm . Out they flew to the farm and landed greedily on the crops .

Alas ! what a surprise , no one was able to fly off. The farmer had neatly spread net over the crops and all the crows got caught in the net . The pigeon also got trapped .

Now he thought , “Whatever be the cause , bad company is bound to lead us into trouble one day or the other .”


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