The Wise Turtle Moral Story

The Wise Turtle Moral Story

The Wise Turtle Moral Story
The Wise Turtle Moral Story in English

The Wise Turtle

A fox used to be very proud of its wisdom. Often he boasted t am the wisest of all animals”.

One day, he went in search of food. He could not find anything. He could not bear his hunger.

He was about to give up his search when he finally saw a turtle. He was so happy that he sprang and caught hold of the turtle.

The fox began to break the shell of the turtle. But what a pity However hard he tried, he could not break. The turtle piously told to the fox, “Why not you soak me in water?” My shell will become soft, and you can easily eat me”.

In his hunger, the fox lost his thoughts and let the turtle into a nearby pond.

The turtle happily slipped out of the hands of the fox and swam into the pond. He came up at the centre of the pond and said “Hey fox! don’t be too proud of your wisdom”.


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