Union Bank of India Balance Enquiry Number
Union Bank of India Balance Enquiry Number
Customers can get their primary account balance by giving Missed call to 09223008586.
Balance Enquiry Primary account balance : UBAL
(e.g. UBAL sent to 09223008486)
Other account balance : UBAL<space>Account number
(e.g. UBAL<space>566802071234567 sent to 09223008486)
Mini Statement
Primary account statement : UMNS
(e.g. UMNS sent to 09223008486)
Other account statement : UMNS<space>Account number
(e.g. UMNS<space>566802071234567 sent to 09223008486)
Know the nearest branch
(e.g. UBRANCH<space>400076<space>Powai sent to 09223008486)