Uttarakhand civil judge solved paper
SOLVED PAPER (Held on 1-9-2019)
General Knowledge
1 : Who is the current Chairman of Union Public Service Commission ?
(A) Arvind Saxena
(B) Dr. Pradeep Joshi
(C) Ashok Kumar Gupta
(D) Anirudha Yadav
Answers (A)
2: Which of the following case has been decided by the Inter-national Permanent Court of Justice ?
(A) Corfu Channel Case
(B) Paquete Habana Case
(C) S.S. Lotus Case
(D) Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case
Answers (C)
3: ‘Ex Acqua et bono’ maxim is related to—
(A) Source of International Law
(B) Law of Extradition
(C) Law of Recognition
(D) Law of State Succession
Answers (A)
4: In which year World Health Organization had been constituted- ted ?
(A) 1942
(C) 1945
(B) 1944
(D) 1948
Answers (D)
5: Who is the writer of the book ‘Theory of Justice’ ?
(A) John Rawls
(C) Kalson
(D) Dwarkin
Answers (A)
6: The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018 came into effect from—
(A) 1st July, 2018
(B) 1st October, 2018
(C) 26th July, 2018
(D) 26th October, 2018
Answers (C)
7: The decision of the International Court of Justice whom ?
(A) The Chairman
(B) The Registrar
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answers (C)
8: For word ‘Uttrarachal’, the word‘Uttarakhand’ was substituted by Uttaranchal (Alteration of Name) Act in the year—
(A) 2001
(C) 2005
(B) 2003
(D) 2006
Answers (D)
9: The Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018 (Act 17 of 2018) shall be deemed to have come into force on—
(A) 20th March, 2018
(B) 20th April, 2018
(C) 21st April, 2018
(D) 22nd April, 2018
Answers (C)
10: ‘The Indian Constitution Corner Stone of a Nation’ book was authored by—
(A) John Austin
(B) Granville Austin
(C) A.L. Good Heart
(D) H.L.A. Hart
Answers (B)
11: Which one of the Chief Justice of India was Vice President of India from 1979 to 1984 ?
(A) M. Hidayatullah
(B) S.M. Sikri
(C) A.N. Ray
(D) K. Subba Rao
Answers (A)
12: Which one of the following is a Neutralized State ?
(A) India
(B) Pakistan
(C) Japan
(D) Switzerland
Answers (D)
13: What is the width of the excluded economic zone in International Law ?
(A) 12 nautical miles
(B) 24 nautical miles
(C) 100 nautical miles
(D) 200 nautical miles
Answers (D)
14: A person born not in the country of his parents, would be the national of the country where
he is born on the basis of principle of—
(A) Jus Soli
(B)Jus Sanguinis
(C)Jus Jury
(D)Jus Terti
Answers (A)
15: Asylum stops where extraditionbegin”. Above statement was made by—
(A) Kelsen
(C) Schwarzenberger
(D) Cobbett
Answers (B)
16: Declaring a diplomat “persona non-grata” is a right of the—
(A) Sending State
(B)Receiving State
(C) Both sending and receiving State
(D) None of the above
Answers (B)
17: The term ‘United Nations’ was suggested by—
(A) Roosevelt
(C)T.V. Soong
(D) M. Litinov
Answers (A)
18: The Principal organs of the United Nations are those whose names are mentioned in—
(A) Article 5 of the United Nations Charter
(B) Article 6 of the United Nations Charter
(C) Article 7 of the United Nations Charter
(D) Article 8 of the United Nations Charter
Answers (C)
19: In which Supreme Court case it was held that preamble is the basic structure of the Constitution ?
(A) Minerva Mills Vs. Union of India
(B) Keshvanand Bharti Vs. State of Kerala
(C) Chandra Bhavan Vs. State of Mysore
(D) Nakara Vs. Union of India
Answers (B)
20: Out of the following who has not been elected as Judge of International Court of Justice ?
(A) Dr. Nagendra Singh
(B)Dalveer Bhandari
(C)R.S. Pathak
(D) Ranganath Misra
Answers (D)
21: Which one of the following is known as ‘Earth Summit’ ?
(A) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change
(B) United Nations Conferenceon Environment and Development
(C) Convention on Biological Diversity
(D) None of the above
Answers (B)
22: Which is not a peaceful means of settlement of dispute under International Law ?
(A) Retortion
(B) Conciliation
(C) Negotiation
(D) Good Offices
Answers (A)
23: How many members Security Council ?
(A) 5 Permanent
(B)10 Permanent
(C) 5 Permanent and 10 Temporary
(D) None of the above
Answers (C)
24: Which of the following statements correct ?
(A) The concept of citizenship is relevant to International Law
(B) The concept of citizenship is irrelevant to Municipal Law
(C) The concept of citizenship is relevant to both International law as well as Municipal Law
(D) The concept of citizenship is irrelevant to International Law
Answers (D)
25: Criminal procedure code has been included in which of the following lists ?
(A) Union list
(B)State list
(C) Concurrent list
(D) All of the above
Answers (C)
26: Total number of Fundamental Duties provided under the Constitution of India are—
(A) 12
(B) 9
(C) 10
(D) 11
Answers (D)
27: When a new State is formed through revolt, recognition usually granted is—
(A) De Jure
(B) De Facto
(C)Precipitate recognition
(D) None of the above
Answers (B)
28: Which of the following Amendment to the Constitution is related with reservation of seats in Educational Institutions for the economically weaker section of citizens ?
(A) 123rd
(B) 101st
(C) 103rd
(D) 102nd
Answers (C)
29: In which of the following cases the Supreme Court has discussed the Constitutional Validity of Triple Talaq ?
(A) Shayara Bano Vs. Union of India
(B) Naz Foundation Vs. Union of India
(C) Deniel Latifi Vs. Union of India
(D) Shabnam Hashmi Vs. Union of India
Answers (A)
30: Which Article of the Constitution of Indi a provides for reservation of seats for women in panchayats ?
(A) Article 243A
(B)Article 243B
(C)Article 243C
(D) Article 243D
Answers (D)
31: ‘Right in rem’ Every one is available against—
(A) Particular person only
(B) Everyone
(C) Government only
(D) None of the above
Answers (A)
32: Who among the following put the International Law as positive morality ?
(A) Bentham
(C) Savigny
(B) Austin
(D) Holland
Answers (B)
33: As per Indian Patents Act, 1970,Criteria of Patentability in India are—
(A) Novelty
(B)Inventive step
(C) Capable of industrial application
(D) All of the above
Answers (D)
34: Who is not member of ‘SAARC’ in the following ?
(A) Singapore
(B) India
(D) Bhutan
Answers (A)
35: How many Articles are in Indian Constitution ?
(A) 365
(C) 395
(B) 394
(D) 379
Answers (C )
36: Article 17 of the Indian Constitution is related to—
(A) Literacy
(B) Health
(C) Untouchability removal
(D) Food Guarantee
Answers (C )
37: Which State of India has made rain water harvesting compul sory for every houses ?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Tamil Nadu
Answers (D)
38: The sixth schedule of the Constitution of India does not provide for the administration of the Tribal Areas in—
(A) Assam
(B) Manipur
(C) Meghalaya
(D) Mizoram
Answers (B)
39: Which is the 25th High Court of India ?
(A) Shillong High Court
(B) Imphal High Court
(C) Agartala High Court
(D) Amravati High Court
40: ‘Procedure established by law’, the terminology is taken from the Constitution of which country ?
(A) America
(C) Canada
(B) Japan
(D) Australia
Answers (B)
41: Which Article the of Indian Constitution defines the proclamation of emergency ?
(A) Article 366(16)
(B)Article 366(17)
(C)Article 366(18)
(D) Article 366(19)
42: Union Public Service Commission Members have tenure of office for—
(A) Two years
(B) Three years
(C) Five years
(D) Six years
Answers (D)
43: Neuremberg Trial, Tokyo Trial Peleus Trial and Eichmann Trial related to whom ?
(A) Laws of Aerial Warfare
(B) War Crimes
(C) Laws of Land Warfare
(D) Laws of Maritime Warfare
Answers (B)
44: Which one of the following principles are not related to recognition ?
(A) Trobar Doctrine
(B) Munro Doctrine
(C) Stimpson Doctrine
(D) Estrada Doctrine
Answers (B)
45: Justice Dalveer Bhandari has are elected term as Justice in the International Court of Justice for a term of—
(A) 2017–2026
(B) 2018–2027
(C) 2019–2028
(D) 2020–2029
Answers (B)
46: Which city of India received the cleanest city award on March 6, 2019 ?
(A) Ambikapur
(B) Mysore
(D) Chandigarh
Answers (C )
47: Which Justice has been appointed as the first Ombudsman of India ?
(A) Justice Pradeep Kumar Mohanti
(B) Justice D.B. Bhosle
(C) Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghosh
(D) Justice Ajay Kumar Tripathi
Answers (C)
48: Which is the 43rd member of the Australia group ?
(A) China
(B) Pakistan
(D) Brazil
Answers (C)
49: Which of the following State Legislatures has one house ?
(A) Bihar
(B) Karnataka
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Maharashtra
Answers (C)
50: In which case it was decided that the preamble is not a part of the Constitution ?
(A) In re Berubari case
(B) Keshavanad Bharti case
(C) Maneka Gandhi case
(D) S.R. Bommai case
Answers (A)
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