What is Monkeypox?
Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease that is caused by the monkeypox virus. It can spread from animals to humans and also between people.
Monkeypox endemic regions
Monkeypox is usually found in Central and West Africa where animals that may carry the virus typically live. However, cases with travel history from regions where monkeypox is endemic are occasionally identified in other countries outside of Central and West Africa region.
Monkeypox symptoms
Monkeypox symtoms include fever, muscle ache, back pain, intense headache, skin rash, lesions and swollen lymph nodes. The skin rash generally forms within 1-3 days of the start of a fever. TThe rashes would generally form on the facem palms of the hands and soles of the feet and can even be found in the mouth, eyes or private genitals.
The lesions may be either flat or slightly raised and filled with clear or yellowish fluid and they will then dry up and fall off. The monkeypox symptoms last about 2-4 weeks and can go away without treatment but it is best to seek medical advice on the onset of symptoms.