Headmaster Regarding Disturbances in your School Hostel

Application to your Headmaster Regarding Disturbances in your School Hostel

To  The Headmaster, ……. High School, ……..


With due respect we beg to lay before you the following few facts for favor of your kind disposal and benevolent guidance. We have been facing some difficulties. The fact has been intimated to the superintendent of the hostel but no action has yet been taken. Hence we beg to draw your attention towards the following difficulties.

That we are not getting our meals in time. Sands and stones are found in rice. The cook is not obeying us and utters vulgar languages sometimes. The toilet of the hostel has not been cleaned for a long time. We are staying in an unhygienic  atmosphere.

Therefore, we pray you to be good and kind enough to take necessary steps for eradication of above trouble and for which we shall be grateful to you.

Yours obediently

…… state …

Dt. ………


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